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Knowing people and making friends at the workplace seem difficult. However, funny ice breaker jokes can bring employees closer and open various communication channels within an organization. The point of these jokes is to make everyone laugh and feel comfortable. Sometimes, work jokes are also called  “coworker puns” and “funny office jokes.” If you’re finding the best funny office jokes for team building and socialization, you’re on the right post. Here we will discuss the funny ice breaker jokes that can blow your mind. 

Let’s explore!

5 Pun at Workplace

Pun is a joke that uses words with more than one meaning, or words that sound similar but mean different things.

  1. What do you call a bunch of cats? A meowtain.
  2. What’s a computer’s favorite snack? Microchips.
  3. Why did the cookie go to the doctor? It felt crumby.
  4. How does a bee comb its hair? With a honeycomb!
  5. How does a scientist make their breath fresh? With experi-mints.

10 Funny Ice Breaker Jokes About Office Work 

  1. An SEO expert goes to a place where people go to have fun and drink. They call it different names like bars, pubs, and taverns.
  2. What does a photocopier hate dealing with? Paper jams!
  3. What do you call a manager who can play the piano? A key player!
  4. My memory is so bad I forgot where I work, but I still have a job.
  5. How do construction workers have fun? They make lots of noise!
  6. If every day is a present, I want to give back Monday and get another Friday.
  7. My boss said I can come to work late tomorrow. That’s like a dream come true!
  8. Why did the doughnut maker quit his job? He was tired of the whole thing!
  9. What day of the week does an egg dislike? Friday.
  10. I got fired from the orange juice factory because I couldn’t concentrate.

5 Wordplay Funny Ice Breaker Jokes

  1. Why did the computer start gardening? It wanted to make its roots better.
  2. How does a penguin build its house? It puts together an igloo!
  3. Why did the scarecrow do well as a manager? Because he was very good in his field.
  4. What did one wall say to the other at work? “I’ll see you at the corner.”
  5. How do you throw a space party? You planet!

6 Funny Stories for Office 

1. A Truck Driver & Policeman

A man was driving his truck when a policeman stopped him. The officer saw penguins in the back and asked, “Why are these penguins in your truck?”

The man said, “They’re my penguins. They’re mine.”

“You need to take them to the zoo,” said the officer.

The next day, the officer saw the man driving again. The penguins were still in the truck, but this time they were wearing sunglasses. “I told you to take these penguins to the zoo!” said the officer.

“I did,” said the man. “Today, I’m taking them to the beach.”

2. A Man Watches Movie with His Elephant 

One day, a man went to the movies with his elephant. “I can’t let your elephant in here,” said the manager. “He’s very well-behaved,” the man said. “Okay, if you’re sure,” said the manager.

After the movie, the manager said, “Your elephant was good! He even liked the movie!” “I was surprised,” said the man. “He didn’t like the book.”

3. Bill& His Boss

Bill went to his boss one day and said, “Sir, I’ll be honest. I know things aren’t great, but I have three companies wanting to hire me, and I’d like to ask for a raise.” After a bit of talking, the boss agrees to give him a 5 percent raise. Bill happily gets up to leave.

“By the way,” the boss asks as Bill leaves, “which three companies are after you?” Bill answers, “The electric company, water company, and phone company.”

4. Story of Two Skunks

Do you know the story about two skunks named In and Out? They lived in the forest with their mom. When In was inside, Out was outside. And when In was outside, Out was inside.

One day, when In was outside and Out was inside, Mom Skunk said to Out, “Out, I need you to go outside and bring In inside.” So Out went outside and quickly brought In in. Mom asked, “That was fast, Out! How did you find In so quickly?” Out said, “It was easy. Instinct.”

5. Ground Coffee 

One day, I went to a café with my friends. The waiter told us to try their special coffee. We said okay, and soon, we got the coffee. When we drank it, it tasted like dirt and mud. We didn’t like it at all, so we told the waiter right away. The waiter hurried over and said, “Well, sir, it was freshly ground coffee!”

6. A Business Man & Fisherman 

A rich businessman sees a poor man fishing by the river every day. One day, he goes up to him and says, “If you worked harder, you could buy a fishing boat!”

The poor man nods and asks, “And then what?”

The businessman says, “You could catch more fish, sell them, and buy lots of boats!”

The poor man nods again, “And then what?”

The businessman gets excited and says, “You could have a big fishing business and be rich like me!”

The poor man smiles, “And then what?”

The businessman says, “Then you could relax and fish all day!”

The poor man laughs and says, “But isn’t that what I’m doing now?”

Key Takeaways

Funny icebreaker jokes at work are an exciting way to make friends. You can tell jokes to start meetings. Sometimes, you feel more comfortable during interviews and can engage with your coworkers. In this article, we have discussed several funny icebreaker jokes for different situations and places. You also can send these jokes in your email signature or send messages on apps. Remember one thing, team building and engagement can be easy if you allow such funny icebreaker jokes at your work. You also can learn more about the fun and team-building events on Team Building Award.