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Big holiday parties, yummy snacks, and twinkling lights seem glorious, but what if you don’t know how many people are there and how you may interact with them? Holiday icebreaker questions play their role to start a conversation and help you make friends, build a team, and have fun. They spread joy and make connections.

What if someone asks, “What’s the best present you ever got for Christmas?” It would be a fun and interesting question during meetings, parties, and at work as we. You will start sharing your stories about your favorite gifts. 

These holiday icebreaker questions are the short prompts that allow the team to get closer to each other during holidays. The team people get to know each other better and make good connections which are helpful in teamwork, productivity, and progressiveness of the company. Moreover, when people chat and laugh together, it makes a holiday more special and makes the holiday memorable and enjoyable. 

So, always bring some cool holiday icebreaker questions, whether you’re at a fancy party or just hanging out with friends. If you are not a festive person and do not know where to start, we have compiled a list of icebreaker questions for holidays to make it memorable.

Christmas Holiday Icebreaker Questions

  1. What is your all-time favorite Christmas flavor?
  2. Christmas Carols or Christmas Karaoke- Choose one for your party
  3. If you ever have to travel during Christmas, where would you like to go?
  4. Any secret office holiday traditions or antics that keep the workplace merry and bright? Spill the cocoa beans on your favorite workplace vibes!
  5. If you could listen in on any room in the world, which room would it be?
  6. If Santa lent you his sleigh for eavesdropping, which room would you drop into? Share your curiosity-sparking choices!
  7. What is one thing you own that you wish you didn’t?
  8. What is your best Christmas “fail” or funny story?
  9. Ever receive a gift that’s more ‘ho ho no’ than ‘ho ho ho’? 
  10. What is one place you shop that might surprise people?
  11. Ever find yourself holiday shopping in the most unexpected places? Share your secret gift-hunting hideouts!
  12. You’re walking down the street, feeling great — what holiday song would be playing in the background?
  13. Picture yourself strutting down Candy Cane Lane—what’s your holiday anthem blasting from the imaginary speakers?
  14. Do you have any holiday hacks to keep the festive frenzy from turning you into a gingerbread wreck? Share your secrets to staying cool as an ice sculpture!
  15. Do you have a holiday playlist? Name one song from it.
  16. Rocking around the Christmas tree with a holiday playlist that jingles all the way? Tell us your top festive jam that sleighs the competition!
  17. Do you buy presents for lots of people or only the people who are closest to you?
  18. Are you the Santa of splurging or the Scrooge of selective gifting? Spill the cocoa beans on your present-picking strategy!
  19. What is the coolest present you have ever received during a Secret Santa?
  20. Ever unwrap a Secret Santa gift so epic it had you singing carols till July? Share your sleigh-ride surprise stories!
  21. Have you ever experienced a blizzard? What is your craziest snowstorm story?

New Year’s Eve Holiday Icebreaker Questions

  1. What is one of your favorite New Year traditions? Try this icebreaker now!
  2. How would you sum up this last year in one sentence?
  3. Ever been caught in a snow globe whirlwind that’d make even Frosty shiver? Share your frostbitten tales from the winter wonderland!
  4. What was your favorite thing to do on a snow day home from school as a kid?
  5. Snow days: the ultimate holiday gift from Mother Nature! What were your favorite frosty-day frolics as a kid?
  6. Do you reuse bows and wrapping paper?
  7. What is the best thing to have happened to you this year? Try this icebreaker now!
  8. Tell us about your strangest New Year’s.
  9. Got a gift-wrapping game so eco-friendly, it puts Rudolph’s nose to shame? Share your sustainable present-packing secrets!
  10. What is your favorite holiday dish?
  11. Ever tasted a holiday dish so delicious it could make sugarplum fairies jealous? Dish out your top festive feast!
  12. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
  13. Got a holiday dessert so sweet, it could melt the North Pole? Share your sugary indulgence that sleighs the dessert table!
  14. Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Have you ever completed one?
  15. Ever made a New Year’s resolution more ambitious than Santa’s gift list? Share your resolutions, and let’s see if they made it past January!
  16. What is your best tip to stay calm and unstressed during the holidays?

Holiday Icebreaker Questions for All Events

  1. What’s the silliest thing that ever happened with your family during a holiday?
  2. What are your holiday plans?
  3. Do you have any secret strategies for surviving family feuds and too much fruitcake?
  4. What was the best gift you ever gave?
  5. Ever gifted something that made you feel like the real MVP of the holiday season?”
  6. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
  7. Ever find yourself in a tinsel tango or a mistletoe mishap during your favorite tradition?
  8. What is your least favorite holiday side dish?
  9. Are any side dish horror stories lurking in your holiday memories?
  10. Share a memorable gift-opening moment from your childhood.
  11. Ever unwrapped a gift and discovered it was either your wildest dream or your worst nightmare?
  12. If you were served a three-course meal, what would you want for each of those?
  13. Do you have a dream menu that could make even Gordon Ramsay raise an eyebrow?
  14. What is a holiday song that makes you cringe?
  15. Any holiday tunes that make you want to deck the halls with earplugs?
  16. What is the coolest gift you ever gave someone?
  17. Ever nailed a gift so perfectly that you felt like the holiday hero of the century?
  18. What is a phrase or quote that comes to mind that helps you when you are stressed?
  19. Do you have any holiday mantras to keep your cool when the shopping chaos hits?
  20. What part of your work environment is your favorite?
  21. Any secret office holiday traditions or antics that keep the workplace merry and bright?
  22. Share a memorable gift-opening moment from your childhood.
  23. Ever unwrap a gift so unexpected it felt like Santa had a sense of humor? Share your best ‘What in tinsel’s name?’ moment!
  24. If you were served a three-course meal, what would you want for each of those?
  25. Dreaming up a three-course meal fit for a holiday king or queen? Let’s hear your culinary fantasies, from appetizers to desserts!
  26. What is a holiday song that makes you cringe?
  27. Any holiday tunes that make you want to deck the halls with earplugs? Spill the jingle beans on your least favorite songs!
  28. What is the coolest gift you ever gave someone?
  29. Ever gift-wrap something so epic it should’ve come with its theme music? Share your legendary gifting triumphs!
  30. What is a phrase or quote that comes to mind that helps you when you are stressed?
  31. Do you have any holiday mantras to keep your cool when the shopping chaos hits? Share your stress-busting slogans!
  32. What part of your work environment is your favorite?

Bottom Line

These holiday icebreaker questions are the stepping stones to start a connection with the people, build a team, and have more fun. It makes everyone comfortable around you to turn your colleagues into friends. Whether you are at a holiday party, office party, or family party, you can ask these questions to make your event enjoyable and memorable.